Micro Powder Grinding Mill Raw Material---Limestone

      Shanghai Clirik Machinery Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer of HGM series grinding mill, rock grinding mill, stone grinding mills, milling machinery, ultrafine powder mill, and powder ultra fine mill.Grinding materials of our HGM Micro Powder Grinding Mill include various stones and rocks, such as: Kaolin, limestone, calcite, marbles, barites, gypsums, pyrophyllites, dolomites, calcium carbonates, pigments, clays, coals, carbon black, activated carbons, feldspar, talc, mica, carbon black, petroleum coke, alumina, chromic oxide, quartz, cements, up to more than 100 materials.

 Limestone Typical Applications:
a) Plastics, rubber, coatings, inks, adhesives, and soil conditioner, building products, plastic filler, ceramic flux, asphalt filler, chemical processing, glass ingredient, water treatment, pesticide granules, dusting agent, welding rods coating, thermosets, thermoplastics, paints, coatings, adhesives, sealants, rubber, pharmaceutical, toothpaste, and food additive
b) Limestone has a wealth of uses: as a flux in steel production and in processing of non-ferrous metals; in bricks, mortar and concrete for construction; as a raw material in glass; in the construction of roads and dams; in the manufacture of paper, paints and dyes, carpeting and other floor coverings; and in the treatment of water, industrial waste, gases and household refuse. It is also used to reduce soil acidity in agriculture, to absorb water and add calcium in food products, and in sugarextraction
c) Limestone is a versatile additive for use in a wide range of plastic and elastomeric applications. Its regular and controlled crystalline shape and ultrafine particle size together with the hydrophobic surface coating, combine to the benefit of both polymer processing and subsequent physical properties.
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